Glad to see you had a safe trip to school today on the short bus.
I've fairly decent qualifications in science with a broad base. It means I can understand scientific arguments and also I understand the importance of the scientific method.
I have qualifications as well. Here is the difference between yours and mine- I have decades of real world experience, you don’t. As they say, "Those who are qualified, do, those who can’t, teach."
You truly are a mental onanist, Abaddon. You are always making the assumption that you alone are schooled in argumentation theory and logical fallacies. Here’s the point, obtuse one: You are supposed to avoid the use of them, not pepper your entire childish "rebuttal" with ad hominems, strawmen, etc.
This thread, just like all others you’ve posted your propaganda on, demonstrates clearly that you have no capacity to make other than a shallow "argument" based on your narcissistic belief that you are always right.
Your "debate" techniques, as well as responses on this thread and every other always follow the same M.O:
-bait the others to post citations
-use ad hominem attacks on the sources of those citations
-conclude that this "guilt by association" fallacy nullifies the claim of the original citation.
-oh, and "science" as used by you translates to "science that I can use to bolster my preconceived conclusion"
In a nutshell, "my opinion is always right, my sources are better than your sources, my citations are better than your citations, etc. It’s pathological and pathetic.
What you fail to realize is the same attacks could be made on your (rarely posted) pet sources and citations.
I am not the only one who notices how your claims of education are betrayed by your arrogant, narcissistic style of "debate". My observation, as well as many PMs to the same effect, is that you assume you are right because many will not "debate" you, having observed your child like style of "debate". I am not the only one who doesn’t "debate" with children. Calling someone a "troll", haughtily assuming you are "more qualified", etc, speaks volumes.
I imagine you need a special walking aid to hold your head up lest you fall over, or that you must wear a helmet at all times lest a sharp object pricks your skull and releases all that hot air.
BA- Doesn’t "debate" with children.
PS- Grow up. You opinion is just that, an opinion, not a fact.